Democracy Gone Astray

Democracy, being a human construct, needs to be thought of as directionality rather than an object. As such, to understand it requires not so much a description of existing structures and/or other related phenomena but a declaration of intentionality.
This blog aims at creating labeled lists of published infringements of such intentionality, of points in time where democracy strays from its intended directionality. In addition to outright infringements, this blog also collects important contemporary information and/or discussions that impact our socio-political landscape.

All the posts here were published in the electronic media – main-stream as well as fringe, and maintain links to the original texts.

[NOTE: Due to changes I haven't caught on time in the blogging software, all of the 'Original Article' links were nullified between September 11, 2012 and December 11, 2012. My apologies.]

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Supreme Court Rejects Special Counsel Request To Rule On Trump Immunity Claim Immediately

WASHINGTON ― The Supreme Court on Friday denied a request from special counsel Jack Smith to step in and immediately rule on Donald Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution for his actions leading up to the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol because they were “official” acts and part of his job.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan earlier this month ruled that Trump’s attempt to overturn the election and remain in power was not part of his official duties and he would have to stand trial on the charges listed in Smith’s indictment.

Greene Demands Biden Treason Charges After Trump Barred From Colorado Ballot

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia), a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, recently decried a ruling from the Colorado State Supreme Court barring Trump from appearing on the ballot for the 2024 presidential election, calling for President Joe Biden to be prosecuted for treason instead.

Such a demand is an extreme reaction, even for the far right lawmaker, given what it entails — the federal crime of treason is defined as “levying war against the United States, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort,” and can carry a penalty of death. Greene offered no evidence warranting charging Biden with treason, other than the fact that she wants him to enact more xenophobic immigration policies.

Lara Trump Admits She'd Happily Be Her Father-In-Law's Vice President

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of former president Donald Trump, said on her podcast that she’s open to also being his vice president should he be reelected.

She made the admission on a recent episode of her podcast, “The Right View with Lara Trump,” after a viewer asked her if she would accept the position of being her father-in-law’s running mate, assuming he actually asked her. 

It should be noted that she has no political experience outside of working on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, though she did briefly consider running to be Senator of North Carolina in 2022.

Recording Shows Trump Pressed Michigan Republicans To Not Certify Election Results: Report

Former President Donald Trump was recorded pressing two Wayne County, Michigan, election canvassers to not certify the results of the 2020 presidential election, the Detroit News reported Thursday.

According to four recordings listened to by the Detroit News, which were reportedly made by a person present during the conversation, the then-president and Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee chair, spoke with Monica Palmer and William Hartmann — Republican members of the county’s Board of Canvassers — on Nov. 17, 2020. At the time, Trump was falsely claiming the election had been stolen from him, filing dozens of unsuccessful lawsuits based on unfounded claims of voter fraud.

Kellyanne Conway Asks Gov. Kristi Noem If She Could Bar Biden From South Dakota Ballot

A smirking Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday asked South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) if she could remove President Joe Biden from the ballot in her state. (Watch the video below.)

Subbing for Fox News host Sean Hannity, Conway appeared to wax sarcastic with her guest after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled to omit Republican front-runner Donald Trump from that state’s primary ballot. The court cited a constitutional amendment barring insurrectionists from holding office.

Republican outrage was swift, and Conway, a former adviser in the Trump White House, appeared to pile on with her silly leading question.

Maine Secretary Of State Delays Trump Ballot Decision After Colorado Ruling

Maine’s secretary of state has delayed a decision to determine whether former President Donald Trump should appear on next year’s presidential primary ballot, following a decision from the Colorado Supreme Court determining he is ineligible there.

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows was expected to make a decision Friday about Trump’s eligibility, but will allow for more time for both sides to make arguments after Colorado’s historic ruling this week, the Portland Press Herald reported. Bellows said she plans to issue a ruling early next week.

Jack Smith To SCOTUS: Yes, There Absolutely Is A Reason To Rush Trump’s Case

WASHINGTON — Responding to Donald Trump’s claim to the Supreme Court that there was no reason to rush the proceedings in the Jan. 6 criminal case against him, special counsel Jack Smith on Thursday told the high court: Oh, yes, there is — the former president’s unprecedented attempt to remain in power despite losing his election.

“The charges here are of the utmost gravity. This case involves ― for the first time in our nation’s history ― criminal charges against a former president based on his actions while in office,” Smith wrote in a 14-page filing. “And not just any actions: alleged acts to perpetuate himself in power by frustrating the constitutionally prescribed process for certifying the lawful winner of an election. The nation has a compelling interest in a decision on respondent’s claim of immunity from these charges ― and if they are to be tried, a resolution by conviction or acquittal, without undue delay.”

Colorado Supreme Court says Trump is ineligible to run again

The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that Donald Trump is disqualified by the Constitution from serving as president again because he stoked an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021.

The 4-3 ruling, which rests on an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, will almost certainly force the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court to resolve whether Trump, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination, is eligible to hold future public office.

Ginni Thomas Is a Victim of Donald Trump’s Alleged Crimes

Consider the following hypothetical: Suppose Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s husband happened to be a well-known crypto advocate and an early investor in Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto exchange FTX. As you may have heard, the exchange collapsed, and SBF was recently convicted of criminal fraud; he intends to appeal. Now suppose that the case ends up before the Supreme Court.

Under those circumstances, is there any question that Justice Jackson would need to recuse herself from the case? After all, her husband could be either a co-conspirator or a victim. Either way, he — and she, by extension — has an interest in the outcome of the prosecution.

Putin ‘has Trump’s number’ and still sees him ‘as an asset’, says Fiona Hill

Vladimir Putin has had Donald Trump’s “number for some time … knows how to manipulate him” and still sees him “as an asset”, the former White House Russia expert Fiona Hill said, discussing the Russian leader and the Republican presidential frontrunner.

“That’s literally [Putin’s] trump card,” Hill told the One Decision Podcast, hosted by Jane Ferguson, a reporter, and Sir Richard Dearlove, a former head of MI6, when asked if she thought the Russian president, bogged down in war in Ukraine, was betting on Trump beating Joe Biden next year and returning to power.

US child poverty doubled in 2022, thanks to Joe Manchin. We must reverse course

Legislators are fleeing Washington, DC and heading home for the holidays. They leave behind a dysfunctional Congress with a rookie Speaker, brutal wars ongoing overseas, and a country with 11 million children living in poverty.

Yes, after a brief reprieve, child poverty is once again on the rise in the United States. But Congress can put a stop to that. As members of both houses, and both parties, work together on an end-of-year tax deal, they can re-implement a simple, wildly popular measure that has already proven to dramatically reduce child poverty: the expanded Child Tax Credit.

Elon Musk says letting workers unionize creates ‘lords and peasants’. What?

In case workers need any additional arguments for why labor unions are good for them, a powerful new argument comes from none other than Elon Musk. Last month at the New York Times DealBook Summit, a gathering of lords of finance and industry, Musk said: “I disagree with the idea of unions … I just don’t like anything which creates a lords and peasants sort of thing.”

That the world’s richest human dissed the idea of unions should certainly be seen as a selling point for unionizing. Musk’s statement shows that he realizes that unions can be highly effective in harnessing the collective voice and power of workers, not just to limit the autonomy of power-hungry CEOs like him in managing their companies, but also to counter the capricious and often officious way he runs things. Musk is allergic to the idea of letting workers and their union have a voice in how to run – and improve – things.

Florida Bill Would Ban Communities From Flying LGBTQ Pride Flags

New legislation offered by a Republican lawmaker in Florida could bar local governments and their offices from flying LGBTQ Pride Flags.

House Bill 901, authored by far right Rep. David Borrero (R), does not directly state that it is targeting Pride Flags in particular, but critics have pointed out that Borrero and other GOP lawmakers attempted to pass similar legislation earlier this year, and that his public statements strongly suggest that LGBTQ flags are the likely targets of the bill.

Trump Lashes Out At Conservative Republican, Calls Him 'RINO' For Backing Ron DeSantis

Former President Donald Trump is calling for a primary challenge against Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) because Roy backs Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, for president.

Roy appeared alongside DeSantis in Iowa for a Fox News interview that caught Trump’s attention on Monday evening. 

“Has any smart and energetic Republican in the Great State of Texas decided to run in the Primary against RINO Congressman Chip Roy,” Trump wrote on Truth Social, using an acronym for “Republican in name only.” “For the right person, he is very beatable. If interested, let me know!!!”

Trump Ruled Ineligible For Presidency By Colorado Supreme Court, Disqualified From State Ballot

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Donald Trump is disqualified from being president under the 14th Amendment and may not appear on the state’s 2024 presidential primary ballot.

In a 4-3 vote, the court made the shocking and unprecedented ruling that Trump is ineligible to be president again because of a clause in the 14th Amendment barring from state or federal office anyone who took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution but then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against it, or gave “aid or comfort to [its] enemies.”

The U.S. Is About To Make A Decision At The U.N. That Could Change Gaza's Fate

The best chance right now to improve the desperate situation in Gaza ― where millions of people are under bombardment while on the brink of starvation amid a U.S.-backed Israeli military operation ― hinges on America’s choices at the United Nations.

The U.N. Security Council will vote Tuesday on a resolution proposed by the United Arab Emirates, a close U.S. partner, on behalf of Arab and Muslim states that calls for limiting the fighting and dramatically increasing humanitarian aid for Gazans, two diplomats told HuffPost on Monday. It’s a major moment for besieged Palestinians and their supporters, and for the Biden administration, which is struggling to balance its support for Israel with international criticism of the devastating offensive and deep concerns among American officials about the consequences of largely unchecked support for Israel.