Justice Minister Peter MacKay was quick to slam Justin Trudeau Thursday after the Liberal leader admitted to HuffPost Canada that he smoked marijuana since becoming an MP in 2008.
While Prime Minister Stephen Harper would say only that Trudeau's actions "speak for themselves," MacKay issued a stern statement denouncing what he said was as a "profound lack of judgment" from the Liberal leader.
"By flouting the laws of Canada while holding elected office, he shows he is a poor example for all Canadians, particularly young ones," MacKay said. "Justin Trudeau is simply not the kind of leader our country needs."
The dig that Trudeau sets a poor example for children evidently didn’t sit well with CBC comedian Rick Mercer who quickly tweeted this gem of a photo of MacKay.
Yes, there's the current Attorney General of Canada and potential Tory leadership aspirant taking a rip from a beer bong many moons ago.
Mercer was retweeted hundreds of times, but drew some angry comments from those who think it isn’t fair to compare MacKay drinking alcohol, legally, as a young man and Trudeau smoking marijuana while serving as an MP
Back in 2011, a photographer from The Canadian Press snapped a now infamous picture of former International Cooperation Minister Bev Oda smoking cigarettes behind Centre Block while wearing dark sunglasses. Oda was under fire at the time for her travel expenses.
A high-profile communications consultant warned Liberals that making light of the shot could backfire and be seen as a "low blow," The Globe and Mail reported.
Oda allegedly expensed an air purifier at taxpayers' expense so that she could smoke in her office.
But some will argue a politician smoking or drinking beer (though it’s tough to tell how old MacKay is in that photo) isn’t quite the same as a politician taking a toke of a joint.
MacKay was selected by HuffPost Canada readers as the Tory cabinet minister most likely to succeed Harper when he eventually retires.
Could there be a Trudeau vs. MacKay showdown in the near future?
Sounds like a party.
Original Article
Source: huffingtonpost.ca/
Author: The Huffington Post Canada
While Prime Minister Stephen Harper would say only that Trudeau's actions "speak for themselves," MacKay issued a stern statement denouncing what he said was as a "profound lack of judgment" from the Liberal leader.
"By flouting the laws of Canada while holding elected office, he shows he is a poor example for all Canadians, particularly young ones," MacKay said. "Justin Trudeau is simply not the kind of leader our country needs."
The dig that Trudeau sets a poor example for children evidently didn’t sit well with CBC comedian Rick Mercer who quickly tweeted this gem of a photo of MacKay.
Yes, there's the current Attorney General of Canada and potential Tory leadership aspirant taking a rip from a beer bong many moons ago.
Mercer was retweeted hundreds of times, but drew some angry comments from those who think it isn’t fair to compare MacKay drinking alcohol, legally, as a young man and Trudeau smoking marijuana while serving as an MP
Back in 2011, a photographer from The Canadian Press snapped a now infamous picture of former International Cooperation Minister Bev Oda smoking cigarettes behind Centre Block while wearing dark sunglasses. Oda was under fire at the time for her travel expenses.
A high-profile communications consultant warned Liberals that making light of the shot could backfire and be seen as a "low blow," The Globe and Mail reported.
Oda allegedly expensed an air purifier at taxpayers' expense so that she could smoke in her office.
But some will argue a politician smoking or drinking beer (though it’s tough to tell how old MacKay is in that photo) isn’t quite the same as a politician taking a toke of a joint.
MacKay was selected by HuffPost Canada readers as the Tory cabinet minister most likely to succeed Harper when he eventually retires.
Could there be a Trudeau vs. MacKay showdown in the near future?
Sounds like a party.
Original Article
Source: huffingtonpost.ca/
Author: The Huffington Post Canada
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