Right now the project Truth & Reconciliation is happening across the country and you would think they would begin to recognise laws like the FNEA to be criminal.
Make sure we all take note of this event, because it is a historic event now unfolding. We are united once more and are now stepping into our own vessel. Will Canada help us on our way or prevent our canoe from going upriver on its own? The answer will come from each of us as citizens of Canada and First Nations. Seeing that Canada and First Nations are partners in this country wouldn’t it be expected then that Canada receives an Education Act from First Nations as well? Interesting …
Again our youth have a huge voice in this and should be consulted. They should have some input on the discussions about what culture and religion is available for them to learn. I feel that both cultures are who we all are and we must embrace that. Learning is an awesome skill we have and we would be limiting ourselves if we do not explore each others cultures. To achieve a better understanding of who our neighbours are will be the key to moving forward together as a proud country.
Original Article
Source: thecanadiandaily.ca/
Author: John Malloy