That Question Period is contrived political combat is a well-worn truth, and whether it is a Liberal or Conservative government, it is all about the drama and not a search for truth.
So when the Senate expense scandal broke, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in a way, was playing to form as he offered stock answers to questions, and refused to take responsibility for the actions of his senior advisers. But since Senator Mike Duffy dragged Harper and the PMO into the eye of the storm with his stunning revelations, the prime minister appears to have taken his disdain for accountability to new heights — or lows.
So when the Senate expense scandal broke, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in a way, was playing to form as he offered stock answers to questions, and refused to take responsibility for the actions of his senior advisers. But since Senator Mike Duffy dragged Harper and the PMO into the eye of the storm with his stunning revelations, the prime minister appears to have taken his disdain for accountability to new heights — or lows.